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Diodes introduces USB Sink Controller to provide versatile PD-EPR solution for battery-powered devices
Date:February 2, 2025    Views:59

    Diodes Corporation (Diodes) (Nasdaq: DIOD) introduced two USB Type-C® Power Delivery (PD) 3.1 Extended Power Range (EPR) Sink controllers. Both controllers can be embedded in battery-powered devices and devices powered using a USB Type-C interface, including routers, wireless speakers, mobile power supplies and power tools. The AP33771C and AP33772S devices help product designers move from proprietary charging ports, legacy USB ports, and circular jacks to standardized USB PD ports, while enabling them to develop smaller product applications with fewer components for faster charging.
    The AP33771C and AP33772S devices can control DC power requirements for devices equipped with USB Type-C interfaces, support PD3.1 EPR up to 140W, and adjustable voltage (AVS) up to 28V. Both devices outperform competitors that typically only support up to 21V AVS. The AP33771C offers a variety of power solutions, including eight output voltage levels that can be set with resistance and eight output current options, to help maximize flexibility for systems that do not have an MCU. The AP33772S, on the other hand, has an I2C communication interface and is suitable for systems with a master MCU.
    The AP33771C and AP33772S have smart, standard built-in firmware for real-world product applications such as LED light indication, cable drop compensation, and humidity detection. Enabling this firmware in AP33771C requires no programming, but designers can also choose to configure AP33772S using I2C instructions. Both Sink controllers also feature CC pins that accept 34V inputs to provide strong system protection against accidental short-circuiting to high-voltage Vbuses. In addition, both Sink controllers support the use of NMOS FETs to transmit input voltage, thereby reducing bill of Materials (BOM) costs.
    The AP33771C is available in the small W-DFN3030-14 (Type A1) (3mm x 3mm) package, while the AP33772S is available in the W-QFN4040-24 (Type A1) (4mm x 4mm) package.

About Diodes Incorporated

    Diodes Corporation (Nasdaq: DIOD) is an S&P Small Cap 600 and Russell 3000 Index member that provides high-quality semiconductor products to global companies in the automotive, industrial, computing, consumer electronics and communications markets. We have a broad portfolio to meet customer needs, including analog and discrete power solutions and advanced packaging technologies. Our wide range of specialty application products and solutions-oriented sales, combined with engineering, testing, manufacturing and customer service operations worldwide, make us a premium supplier in high-volume, high-growth markets.

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