
Ten most commonly used electronic components
Date:November 29, 2024    Views:69
    Engaged in the electronics industry, there is an indescribable feeling for all kinds of electronic components, for engineers engaged in the electronics industry, electronic components are like People's Daily imported rice, which needs to be contacted every day and needs to be used every day. Here is a list of the top ten electronic components commonly used by engineers in the electronics industry, named "Top Ten electronic components star", hoping to make more reference and learning.

    As a worker in the electronics industry, resistance is well known. Its importance is beyond doubt. It has been said that "resistance is the most used component of all electronic circuits."
    Resistance, because of the obstruction effect of the substance on the current, it is called the resistance substance under the action. The resistance will cause a change in electron flux, the smaller the resistance, the greater the electron flux, and vice versa. Substances with no resistance or very small resistance are called electrical conductors, referred to as conductors. Substances that cannot form current transmission are called electrical insulators, referred to as insulators.
    In physics, Resistance is used to express the magnitude of the conductor's resistance to the current. The greater the resistance of the conductor, the greater the obstruction of the conductor to the current. Different conductors, resistance is generally different, resistance is a characteristic of the conductor itself. The resistance element is an energy dissipating element that obstructs the current.
    The size of the resistance value of the resistance element is generally related to temperature, and the physical quantity that measures the size of the resistance affected by temperature is the temperature coefficient, which is defined as the percentage of the change in the resistance value when the temperature rises by 1℃.
    The resistance in the circuit is represented by "R" plus a number, such as: R1 indicates the resistance numbered 1. The main functions of resistance in the circuit are shunt, current limiting, voltage partial, bias, etc.
    1, parameter identification: the unit of resistance is ohm (Ω), the unit of magnification is: thousand ohm (KΩ), megohm (MΩ) and so on. The conversion method is: 1 megohm =1000 thousand ohm =1000000 Ohm resistance parameter annotation method there are three kinds of direct notation method, color notation method and number notation method. a, digital marking method is mainly used for small size circuits such as patches, such as: 472 means 47×100Ω (that is, 4.7K); 104 indicates 100Kb, and the color ring marking method is used the most. Examples are as follows: four-color ring resistance Five-color ring resistance (precision resistance).

    2, the resistance of the color code position and power relationship as shown in the following table: Color Effective digital magnification allowable deviation (%) Silver/x0.01 ±10 Gold/x0.1 ±5 Black 0 +0 / Brown 1 x10 ±1 Red 2 x100 ±2 Orange 3 x1000 / Yellow 4 x10000 / Green 5 x100000 ±0.5 Blue 6 x1000000 ±0.2 Purple 7 x10000000 ±0.1 Gray 8x100000000 / White 9 x1000000000 /.

    Capacitance (or Capacitance) refers to the amount of charge stored at a given potential difference; It's called C, and the SI unit is farad (F). Generally speaking, the charge will be forced to move in the electric field, when there is a medium between the conductors, it prevents the charge from moving and makes the charge accumulate on the conductor; The most common example of this is two parallel metal plates. It is also the common name of capacitor.
    1, the capacitor in the circuit is generally represented by "C" plus a number (such as C13 means the capacitor numbered 13). A capacitor is a component composed of two metal films close together and separated by an insulating material. The characteristics of the capacitor are mainly to isolate the direct current communication. The size of the capacitance capacity is the size of the energy that can be stored, and the obstruction of the capacitance to the AC signal is called the capacitive reactance, which is related to the frequency and capacitance of the AC signal. Capacitive reactance XC=1/2πf c (f represents the frequency of AC signal, C represents capacitance capacity) The types of capacitors commonly used in telephones are electrolytic capacitors, porcelain capacitors, chip capacitors, monolithic capacitors, tantalum capacitors and polyester capacitors. Please visit: Power transmission and distribution equipment network for more information
    2, identification method: The identification method of capacitance and resistance is basically the same, divided into direct marking method, color marking method and number marking method 3. The basic unit of capacitance is expressed in farad (F), and other units are: millimetre (mF), micromethod (uF), nanomethod (nF), picomethod (pF). Among them: 1 farad =103 millifa =106 microfa =109 nanofa =1012 picofa capacitors with large capacity are directly marked on the capacitor, such as 10uF /16V capacitors with small capacity are represented by letters or numbers on the capacitor. Letter notation: 1m= 1000uF 1P2=1.2PF 1n=1000PF Digital representation: Generally, three digits are used to represent the capacity size, the first two digits represent the significant number, and the third digit is the multiplier. For example, 102 indicates 10×102PF=1000PF 224 indicates 22×104PF= 0.22uF3. The capacitance error indicator number F G J K L M allows an error of ±1% ±2% ±5% ±10% ±15% ±20%, such as: A ceramic capacitor of 104J indicates a capacity of 0.1 uF and an error of ±5%.

Crystal diode
    Crystaldiode A semiconductor end device in a solid-state electronic device. The main characteristic of these devices is that they have nonlinear current-voltage characteristics. Since then, with the development of semiconductor materials and process technology, a variety of crystal diodes with a wide variety of structures and different functional uses have been developed by using different semiconductor materials, doping distribution and geometric structures. The manufacturing materials are germanium, silicon and compound semiconductors. Crystal diodes can be used to generate, control, receive, transform, amplify signals and convert energy.
    Crystal diodes are commonly represented by "D" plus numbers in circuits, such as: D5 indicates a diode numbered 5.
    1, function: the main characteristic of the diode is one-way conductivity, that is, under the action of the forward voltage, the on-resistance is very small; Under the action of reverse voltage, the on-resistance is extremely large or infinite. Because the diode has the above characteristics, it is often used in cordless telephones in circuits such as rectification, isolation, voltage regulation, polarity protection, coding control, frequency modulation and noise suppression. The crystal diodes used in the telephone can be divided into: rectifier diodes (such as 1N4004), isolation diodes (such as 1N4148), Schottky diodes (such as BAT85), light emitting diodes, voltage regulators, etc.
    2, identification method: The identification of the diode is very simple, the N pole (negative) of the small power diode, most of the use of a color ring on the surface of the diode marked out, some diodes also use diode special symbols to indicate the P pole (positive) or N pole (negative), there are also symbols for "P", "N" to determine the polarity of the diode. The positive and negative poles of the LED can be identified from the length of the pin, with the long foot being positive and the short foot being negative.
    3, test precautions: When the digital multimeter is used to test the diode, the red pen is connected to the positive electrode of the diode, and the black pen is connected to the negative electrode of the diode, and the resistance value measured at this time is the positive guide resistance value of the diode, which is just the opposite of the pointer multimeter pen connection method.
   4 , the commonly used 1N4000 series diode voltage comparison is as follows: Model 1N40011N40021N4003 1N4004 1N40051N40061N4007 Voltage (V) 50 100 200 400 400 600 800 1000 current (A) are 1.

Voltage regulator diode
    Voltage regulator diode (also called Zener diode), this diode is a semiconductor device with high resistance up to the critical reverse breakdown voltage.
    Voltage regulator diode is commonly used in the circuit "ZD" plus a number, such as: ZD5 indicates the number of 5 regulator tube.
    1, the voltage regulation principle of the voltage regulator diode: the characteristic of the voltage regulator diode is that after breakdown, the voltage at both ends remains basically unchanged. In this way, when the regulator is connected to the circuit, if the power supply voltage fluctuates, or the voltage changes at each point in the circuit for other reasons, the voltage at both ends of the load will remain basically unchanged.
    2, fault characteristics: the fault of the voltage regulator diode is mainly manifested in open circuit, short circuit and unstable voltage regulator value. Among these three faults, the former one shows that the power supply voltage increases; The latter two failures are manifested as the supply voltage becomes low to zero volts or the output is unstable. Commonly used voltage regulator diode models and voltage regulator values are as follows: Type 1N47281N4729 1N4730 1N4733 1N4734 1N4734 1N4744 1N4750 1N4751 1N4761 Stable voltage 3.3V 3.6V 3.9V 3.4V 4.7V 5.6V 5.6V 6.2V 15V 27V 30V 75V.

    Inductance: When the coil passes through the current, a magnetic field induction is formed in the coil, and the induced magnetic field will generate an induced current to resist the current through the coil. We call this interaction between the current and the coil the inductive reactance of electricity, that is, the inductance, the unit is "Henry" (H). This property can also be used to make inductors.
    Inductance is often represented by "L" plus a number in a circuit, such as: L6 indicates the inductance numbered 6. The inductor coil is made by winding the insulated wire around the insulated skeleton for a certain number of turns. Dc can pass through the coil, the DC resistance is the resistance of the wire itself, the voltage drop is very small; When the AC signal passes through the coil, both ends of the coil will generate a self-induced electromotive force, the direction of the self-induced electromotive force is opposite to the direction of the applied voltage, preventing the passage of AC, so the characteristics of the inductor is to pass DC to prevent AC, the higher the frequency, the greater the coil impedance. The inductor can form an oscillating circuit with the capacitor in the circuit. Inductance generally has a direct marking method and a color marking method, the color marking method is similar to resistance. For example, brown, black, gold, and gold indicate inductance of 1uH (error 5%).
      The basic unit of inductance is: hen (H) conversion unit is: 1H=103mH=106uH.

Varactor diode
    Waractor Diodes (Varactor Diodes) are also known as "variable reactance diodes". It is a diode made of the dependence and principle of PN junction capacitor (barrier capacitor) and its reverse bias voltage Vr, and its structure is shown in the figure on the right.
    Tube varactance diode is a kind of special diode specially designed according to the principle that the junction capacitance of the "PN junction" inside the ordinary diode can change with the change of the applied reverse voltage. Varactor-diodes are mainly used in cordless telephones in the high-frequency modulation circuit of mobile phones or landlines to realize the modulation of low-frequency signals to high-frequency signals and to transmit them. In the working state, the modulation voltage of the varac diode is generally added to the negative electrode, so that the internal junction capacitance of the varac diode changes with the change of the modulation voltage. The fault of the varactor diode is mainly manifested as leakage or performance deterioration: (1) When leakage occurs, the high-frequency modulation circuit will not work or the modulation performance deteriorates. (2) When the varactor performance deteriorates, the operation of the high-frequency modulation circuit is unstable, so that the modulated high-frequency signal is sent to the other party and distorted after being received by the other party. When one of the above situations occurs, the same type of varactor diode should be replaced.

Crystal triode
    Transistor is one of the basic components of semiconductor, with current amplification, is the core component of electronic circuit. The transistor is in a semiconductor substrate to produce two PN junctions very close to each other, the two PN junctions divide the block semiconductor into three parts, the middle part is the base region, the two sides of the part is the emission region and the collector region, the arrangement of PNP and NPN two kinds.
    The transistor is often represented by "Q" plus a number in the circuit, such as: Q17 means the triode numbered 17.
    1, Features: The transistor (referred to as the transistor) is a special device containing two PN junctions and has the ability to amplify. It is divided into NPN type and PNP type two types, these two types of audion from the working characteristics can compensate for each other, the so-called OTL circuit in the tube is PNP type and NPN type pair use. PNP type triode commonly used in telephone sets are: A92, 9015 and other models; NPN type triode: A42, 9014, 9018, 9013, 9012 and other models.
    2, the transistor is mainly used to amplify the amplifier in the amplifier circuit, there are three kinds of connections in the common circuit. In order to facilitate comparison, the characteristics of the three transistor connection circuits are listed in the following table for your reference. Name Common emitter circuit Common collector circuit (emitter output) Common base circuit input impedance (hundreds of euros ~ thousands of euros) large (tens of thousands of euros) small (several euros ~ tens of Euros) Output impedance (thousands of euros ~ tens of Euros) small (several euros ~ tens of Euros) large (tens of thousands of Euros ~ hundreds of thousands of euros) voltage amplification Small (less than 1 and close to 1) Large current magnification (tens of) large (tens of) small (less than 1 and close to 1) Large power magnification (about 30 ~ 40 dB) small (about 10 dB) in (about 15 ~ 20 dB) Frequency characteristics High frequency difference good continuation table application multistage amplifier intermediate stage, Low frequency amplifier input stage, output stage or impedance matching for high frequency or wide band circuit and constant current source circuit.

Field effect tube

    Field Effect Transistor (FET) Field effect transistor (FET). A majority of carriers participate in conducting electricity, also known as a unipolar transistor. It is a voltage controlled semiconductor device. It has the advantages of high input resistance (108 ~ 109Ω), low noise, low power consumption, large dynamic range, easy integration, no secondary breakdown phenomenon, wide safe working area, etc., and has become a strong competitor of bipolar transistors and power transistors.
    1, the field effect transistor has the advantages of high input impedance and low noise, so it is also widely used in various electronic devices. In particular, the efficiency tube is used as the input stage of the entire electronic device, which can obtain performance that is difficult to achieve with ordinary transistors.
    2, the field effect tube is divided into two categories: junction type and insulated gate type, and its control principle is the same. Figure 1-1-1 is the symbol for the two models:
    3. Comparison between FETS and transistors
    (3.1) The FET is a voltage control element, while the transistor is a current control element. When only a small amount of current is allowed from the signal source, the effect tube should be selected; When the signal voltage is low and more current is allowed from the signal source, the transistor should be selected.
    (3.2) The field effect tube uses a majority of carriers to conduct electricity, so it is called a unipolar device, and the transistor has a majority of carriers and uses a minority of carriers to conduct electricity. It is called a bipolar device.
    (3.3) The source and drain of some FEts can be used interchangeably, and the gate voltage can also be positive or negative, which is better flexibility than transistors.
    (3.4) Fets can work under very small current and very low voltage conditions, and its manufacturing process can easily integrate many fets on a silicon chip, so fets have been widely used in large-scale integrated circuits.

    A sensor is a physical device or biological organ that can detect and feel external signals, physical conditions (such as light, heat, humidity) or chemical composition (such as smoke), and transmit the detected information to other devices or organs.
    The definition of the sensor under the national standard GB7665-87 is: "A device or device that can feel the specified measured part and convert it into a usable signal according to a certain law, usually composed of a sensitive element and a conversion element." The sensor is a detection device that can feel the measured information, and can transform the detected information into an electrical signal or other required form of information output according to a certain law to meet the requirements of information transmission, processing, storage, display, recording and control. It is the primary link to realize automatic detection and automatic control.
    "Sensor" is defined in the New Webster Dictionary as:
    "Power is received from one system and typically delivered in another form to a device in a second system."
    According to this definition, the role of the Sensor is to convert one kind of energy into another form of energy, so many scholars also use "Transducer" to call "sensor-sensor".

    Transformer (Transformer) is the use of the principle of electromagnetic induction to change the AC voltage device, the main components are primary coil, secondary coil and core (core). In electrical equipment and wireless circuits, it is commonly used for lifting voltage, matching impedance, safety isolation, etc. In the generator, whether the coil moves through the magnetic field or the magnetic field moves through the fixed coil, the potential can be induced in the coil, in both cases, the value of the magnetic flux is unchanged, but the number of magnetic flux intersecting the chain with the coil is changed, which is the principle of mutual induction. A transformer is a device that uses electromagnetic mutual inductance to transform voltage, current and impedance. The main functions of the transformer are: voltage conversion; Current conversion, impedance conversion; Isolate; Voltage regulation (magnetic saturation transformer), etc.

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